Younha – Run Lyrics

My breath rises when I stop my steps
Sometimes, it tangles up when I stop my breath
The forgotten sadness rushes over me
Tears well up without a chance for me to hold them back

Time, please pass by a bit quicker
With a hot light, please embrace me
Take me to a dazzling tomorrow
So I can fly further than anyone else

I am singing about you like this, with a big voice, in front of you
I want to be with you until always

I want you like this, the one person in the world
I will love you as much as you waited

I spread out my scrunched up shoulders once again
I grasp onto my once scattered heart, once more
When I erase the nervous eyes,
Without time to stop, I will confess to you

Time, please pass by a bit quicker
Take me and fly far away
Take me to the dazzling sky
So I can fly futher than anyone else

I am singing about you like this, with a big voice, in front of you
I want to be with you until always

I want you like this, the one person in the world
I will love you as much as you waited

Cuz I love u (Now al of my pain)
Cuz I love u (It’s okay because I’m with you)
Take my hand at the end of the dark and cold tunnel
Cast a spell on my broken memories and rise me up

I am singing about you like this, with a big voice, in front of you
I want to be with you until always

I want you like this, the one person in the world
I will love you as much as you waited

Cuz I love u (It’s okay because I’m with you)
Cuz I love u

Younha – Run Lyrics Younha – Run Lyrics Reviewed by akmly on Tuesday, July 03, 2012 Rating: 5

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