Chaos - Kiss Kiss Lyrics

Baby Kiss Kiss me Baby Kiss Kiss me
I want to secretly go to you and steal your lips
Kiss Kiss me baby Kiss Kiss me
How electrifying would her lips be
Ooh you’re electrifying, you’re electrifying
Ooh you’re electrifying, you’re electrifying

I’ll go crazy at this rate, I want her so bad
My curiosity goes from her head to her toes
Won’t the gods grant my wish just for a day?
My wish to be an invisible man for a day

I want to secretly follow her home
And get to know you one by one

I want to smell your scent, look into your eyes
I will do everything with you

Baby Kiss Kiss me Baby Kiss Kiss me
I want to secretly go to you and steal your lips
Kiss Kiss me baby Kiss Kiss me
How electrifying would her lips be
Ooh you’re electrifying, you’re electrifying
Ooh you’re electrifying, you’re electrifying

You fell asleep watching TV
I’m afraid you’ll wake at the sound of my heart beat
What’s up with you? Did you really fall asleep like that?
With cleansing cream still on your face?

I like anything about you, I like you just the way you are
Even if you don’t shower or snore, I like it all
Even if you’re makeup-less and have no eyebrows,
Even if you wear stretched out pants
Because that’s who you are, you’re loveable

Baby Kiss Kiss me Baby Kiss Kiss me
I want to secretly go to you and steal your lips
Kiss Kiss me baby Kiss Kiss me
How electrifying would her lips be

Guys are all the same, we’re like this when we’re in love
We want to be invisible just to get closer

Baby Kiss Kiss me Baby Kiss Kiss me
I want to secretly go to you and steal your lips
Kiss Kiss me baby Kiss Kiss me
How electrifying would her lips be
Ooh you’re electrifying, you’re electrifying
Ooh you’re electrifying, you’re electrifying

Chaos - Kiss Kiss Lyrics Chaos - Kiss Kiss Lyrics Reviewed by akmly on Friday, September 21, 2012 Rating: 5

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