Bang bang crossroad woo hoo woo hoo
Bang bang crossroad woo hoo woo hoo
Bang bang crossroad woo hoo woo hoo
Someone shot a gun at my heart
Bang bang crossroad
I was walking without a destination and my feet stopped
At the place where my eyes met her on the other side
I can’t forget that day, what you wore
After seeing you, my insides were flipping
The traffic light finally changed at the crosswalk
We’re slowly getting closer and everything is in slow motion
Like a scene in a movie
Everyone but us is in monotone
You make me feel so good
The moment I first saw you, I got a feeling
I can’t take my eyes off you
You make me feel so good
In this place, besides you and I, everyone fades out
What do I do? I’m falling in love
Bang bang crossroad , the dazzling and beautiful you
Bang bang crossroad , I finally met my match
Bang bang crossroad , my heart is beating like crazy
What do I do, what do I do, I’ve completely fallen in love
( woo hoo woo hoo )
That’s the place
That That’s the place
( woo hoo woo hoo )
That That That That’s the place
( woo hoo woo hoo )
That’s the place
That That’s the place
( woo hoo woo hoo )
That That That That’s the place
Wow she gotta going on
The moment I saw you, I stopped in place
Girl, you’ve been blessed by God, your charms overflow
Long straight hair, hot red lipstick
Out of all the girls I’ve seen, wow baby you the baddest
Bang bang biggety bang bang
Your jeans tell me, your butt is so round
You’re different from all the typical girls in Gangnam, holla
Many people come and go on this street
Hellos and goodbyes repeat on this street
At that place, I discovered a woman like you, that’s you
Many people come and go on this street
Hellos and goodbyes repeat on this street
At that place, I discovered a woman like you
Bang bang crossroad
Electroboyz - Bang Bang Crossroads Lyrics
Reviewed by akmly
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

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